Friday 7 May 2010

What next - UK

I am very much aware that some people have been devastated by the results today. Others are blaming everything but then the voting results are already out.

Remember what said yesterday. Your role now is to take responsibility over the development of your community first with your own life. Opportunities will always come to everyone but individuals differ in how they handle the opportunities.

I am not suggesting that we all have equal opportunities. However each has an got an opportunity avaliable at varable levels.

Politics is how you govern your local national affairs whichever is applicable to you. So make use of every opportunity that comes your way.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Its not done yet

Counting of votes might have began but many are still not sure whats going on. Voting might have been a secret but now its going to be ppublic.

I am not quite sure how the results will be but one thing I know is some body will be on the helm whether by vote or default.

If you have voted you have done a good thing. However you have not finished because its now your responsibility to ensure whichever government will come into place is supported.

The development of this country lies not in anyone but you as an individual. Make sure you do carry the burden for your community's development.

The challenges that were highlighted during the campaign period are the same ones that we are faced with.

So the game is not yet over but rather its just beginning.

Its time to look ahead.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

The ballot X

Time to vote but whether you do it or not some body will be voted in. So you better make a contribution to the development of your community by casting your vote. The X that you will make is the one that will make some of the incumbents lose or win.
Yes the voting time is just hours away and for some voting is history because they have alsready casted their votes by post.

Make a difference by voting and shape your future. However at times things do not always go the desired way.

Lets go out in our numbers and make that vote count whichever candidate you choose.

Your vote counts.

Monday 3 May 2010

Why you should Vote!

How often do you think of politics as the systems that run your life on a daily basis with or without your decision. Politics is simply the way systems run within a given population.
Now whoever says he/she dislikes politics is simply is not quite right but rather should say the way politicians do politics is wrong or bad. This is a season of verbal fights, facts being thrown accross the populace and at times leaving a majority of listeners and to be voters very much confused and undecided leading to apathy towards politics.
Who should I vote for?
This remains personal questions because I think many candidates have been disappointed when they initially thought they were winning based on prevoting surveys.
It is your right to choose whoever has the best qualities according to your judgement.
Your vote counts towards someone winning or losing. Now when you cast your vote it is important to think of how you would run this country if you were to win the elections. You then match those standards with those of your candidate.
Think of today's challenges not as an end in themselves but a platform for progress and a bright end. It is time to cast your vote.

VOTE: it is your right.