Friday, 14 June 2013


Economic growth is an exercise that is usually unpredictable when the nation is bombarded with other factors like politics, international segregation and subortage. It is very difficult and almost impossible to predict the up turn of an economy when there is not a stable government and no actual industrial develoment of any form.

Having said that, Zimbabwe is one nation that has moved from significantly from the state of being domant to slightly show signs and symptoms of revival. I therfore agree with Nigel Chanakira (Chair of the Zimbabwe Investment Authority, ZIA) who was reported as saying that Zimbabwe economy will soon revive itself especially after the elections.

It seems to me that msot investors are simply waiting for the elections and I am sure it does not really matter who wins. I foresee a significant influx of foreign investors coming to make their base in Zimbabwe as soon as the elections are over.

I also want to believe that Zimbabweans in diaspora are waiting for that small move of the political devide. As soon as the national elections are done many of the Zimbabwean descent will flood back to the motherland to re-establish themselves in all areas of development.

I will also say that this antion will immediately see a huge jump in terms of expertise because most of the migrants in various countries have been busy not only creating money but increasing their skills and qualifications.

Those who are still skeptical about Zimbabwe's economic growth, you need to watch this space. In five years time Zimbabwe will leap into the fast growing economy not only in the region but in the world.

It is therefore worth noting that anybody looking for a long term investiment would rather not wait but start now to gulvanise themselves towards basing their business in Zimbabwe.

Yes, things may for a time be shaky and unstable due to natural transition in the powers and control systems but all will soon be stable for a brighter future.

One of the challenges to development will corruption which has been born out of the chaotic lawless behaviour of some individuals who have inspired the young generation to act like wise. These have left school but survived on handouts from the paowers above them.

But I foresee this challenge being dealt with when the anticorruption commission gets into full service with support of the police service and the impartial judicial service.

Investors, be ready and know that it is time to consider the new Zimbabwe despite who wins the coming elections. As already said challenges will arise but there is hope for Zimbabwe than any other upcoming nation.

Thursday, 13 June 2013


Zimbabwe politics has always been controversial just like any other nation with strong political domain. Since independence from the colonial rule 1980,  we have not seen such active strong political muscles wrestling for the throne than the last ten years.

I think now is the mature time for a resolution for a stable political system in this lovely country.

Now that the President has announced the election date according to the highest rule of court, what does the ordinary citizen think and will do! Is anybody ready for the ballot or not!

How long will the battle carry on between the two stale mates who have tested each other's weaknesses over the decade!

I think the ordinary valuable registrant needs to wait patiently, pray earnestly and be ready to express all views whenever the ballot is finally brought to surface.

It is no point fighting across the street agaist each other as if shedding blood will bring and meal "sadza" to your table. Blood shed should be left for any who is uncivilised, intolerant, selfish, inconsiderate and brainwashed or even deluded.

Who is right in the face of a democratic election where the constitution will have to determine the rightful ascendant to the national throne!

Who is right now that presidential powers have to pave a way for a national reconcialtion in the face of a long awaited ballot box where all are welcomne without fear of victimisation.

Who is right when the prime minister disputes the rightful powers of the president at the pretext of political reforms!

Who is right, the voter or the voted!

Well, despite who may be right, the fact remains, that, time will tell when the ballot box is put out. As already said, a fair ballot casting can only be achieved by you the ordinary citizen who will refuse to attack your neighbour for nothing.

Fight for the universal rights not selfishness or personal gains where only a minority possess the majority of the wealth. This was the same reason that led to the liberation struggles "1st, 2nd and 3rd chimurenga" and now still need to be our driving force to see freedom prevail across the nation.

No one is better than the other but we all compliment each other.

Who is right?

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Voting is one way any citizen of any country can express an opinion about a governance or system within a period. It is meant to be a voluntary exercise that anyone can use to say "I would like my future to be run in this way by this one"

However, this has been an ideal version of voting even in some countruies deemed free and emocratic. Evidence shows that voting in whatever form has not provided a fair play ground particularly for the ordinary citizen.

It has been noted that in most "developing" countries voting has been used to authenticate the already chosen candidate. By this I mean that the voting exercise is just a rubber stamp to an already decided result.

Nevertheless, this should not discourage anybody to persistantly voice their right to chosing a leader of their own. Everybody has a right to exercise this right and should do so despite the rigging and unfair treatment put on the voter.

Elections are to be a way of saying "enough is enough" or "we still need your leadership". On the contrary a number of countries have had to go through bloodshed simply because the ousted leadership would not conceed defeat. Some nations ended up with "coalition governments" where progress in any department has been very slow or none at all simply because of personal interests at the expence of national development.

Zimbabwe has so far made relatively significant progress which should now culminate with elections. It must be made clear to all of the Zimbabwean community that it is time not to give up. When it comes to national development everybody must be resiliant and determined to see our beautiful nation rising up again even above its former glory.

Voting will make your voice and as soon as all necessary planning and agreements have been achieved, it is by any means meaningful and worthy a cause to vote. Unfortunately voting my not be possible for the diasporans, but everybody should feel the urge to make a change towards a free economy, a free nation, a free society, a free political playfield where nobody feels intimidated or left out. Neither should there be international restrictions on any individual, this is the kind of freedom I anticipate. But it comes by voting.

I look forward to seeing my new Zimbabwe having gone through peaciful elections under a new constitution. It is time to look ahead, work harder and share the vision for a prosperous future where development will resound from all corners of the beloved country.