Wednesday, 6 April 2011


The universal talk of the day is 'How can I manage my limited resouces?'. It is common in today's world that many are struggling to make ends meet due to various factors, like the universal economic down turn partly caused by natural disasters. However, the basic factor is the unfair distribution of wealth which began centuries ago and different leadership has perpetuated this philosophy over the years.

Imagine a world where everyone is given an opportunity to own land, property, have enough money to survive, have access to clean water, adequate shelter, education let alone fresh air to breath. Mankind is in a crisis that seem not to have an end. Even the elite are beginning to feel the pinch. So how can one overcome this crisis times?

1. Stop, it is possible for one to spend a whole life span fighting a lost battle because there has not been time to stop whatever activity has been going on. It is vital to be able to say to one's self enoguh is enough stopping is the only option.

2. Think, what you are doing, where are coming from, where you are going, how you are going, and when you intend to reach your goal post. What resources are available to you in terms of money, manpower time and support in all manner.

3. Plan, set out your mission and put it on paper, making it simple and vivid so that it is unforgetable. The plan has to be fit for purpose and personalised to you since you have the vision and mission to accomplish.

4. Share, your thoughts with someone you think has the support you need. Source out your resources from all angles possible and acceptable. At this point you can approach sponsors who might be likeable to your project.

5. Remain focused, never faulter, continue to be resiliant and optimistic. Never quit or else there is no reason to start your project. Quiters seldom win.

If you are to cnfront your crisis times effectively you need to stop, think, plan, share and be resiliant. As though it is not enough you still need to live one day to it fullest as if it is your last day on earth. Follow me on my next post.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

How to crunch the credit

The financial state of life is by no means getting better. It is gradually and swiftly rushing everyone into panic on every turn. Cuts are on every service and this does not matter which part of the world you are from. The impact of the cuts might vary but every individual has a feel of it.
It is therefore essential for everyone to analyse the state of affairs and formulate a strategy that will counteract the current financial draggon. It is imperative that individuals consider a way to fight this monster but without being swallowed by worry and anxiety.
A pay check is obviously being chipped off by hundreds and every home budget is squizzing all salaries. Therefore it calls for risk takers and courageous who will delve into the unknown with confidence, knowing that if they make it, life will never be the same again. However they should be aware that the pobability is negative as it is positive.
How can one cruch the credit, is a questions that most people are asking especially on or towards payday of every month.
What do you have in your hands which can be turned into an asset?Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers More is coming in the next post where this and other questions will be addressed.

Monday, 4 April 2011


Children are always the most vulnerable in every catastrophic man made or natural disasters. They often fall in dark pits of despair especially during moments of uncertaninty. Many a time people think that children do not recognise their predicament but the truth of the matter is that children do realise their desperation though depending on their level of maturity. Nevertheless, as they grow older it becomes clearer in their minds that their experience is not normal. This can then manifest in a behaviour unfavourable to the society.
Natural disasters have been devastating to many parts of the world. The Tsunami of the Philippines in a couple of years, then the recent one in Japan which has swept the whole of the lanscape. How about the Christ Church earth quake, last year it was Haiti. What of the mud slides! The forest fires of Australia, New Zealand and Greece. In the midst of these disasters children are part of the affected population yet they are totally dependant o the mature and grown ups.
Man made catastrophies include the current wars in Africa; Libya, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Egypt. The Asian and Eastern world includes Yemen, Gaza, Afghanstan, Pakistan and others. It is common in some of these disasters that children are actually involuntarily used as shield or soldiers.
Think child labour (21st century slavery) is rife in some parts of the world. Children are desperately in need of a "saviour" who has a heart for life in a young mind and body. Where do they go in the midst of such disasters some that are natural and still many are man made.
Children, innocent as they are find themselves stuck and stranded in the hands of the a brutal world without mercy but selfish to satisfy its ego. Listen, children are and will remain at the heart of the family network service. It is a concern for the network that everyone great and small should support and endevour to save our future in the young minds.