Thursday, 20 June 2013


It has taken effort, commitment and resilience with perseverance to get to this point where people could think of personal freedom.

It is the same cause that sent men and women across the boarders to train and fight the guerrilla war fare which then ended the colonial rule by the British.

It this same freedom that pushed many to the end of their lives, shedding blood and some have never been identified. This freedom has also caused many to go through torture and humiliation that shame the perpetrators.

Freedom is part of life that everyone would like to grow and perpetuate though only those with nerves and compassion would do so. Freedom came by sacrifice. It came through individuals who as one were united to combat the evils of the day.

It is this freedom that has led a campaign in several other nations to revolt against their leadership and some of the revolts have achieved the goal. Freedom though can not be freedom where everybody is free to do anything at any time to anyone for whatever reason.

Freedom should not subjective and restricted to the immune and elite. True freedom should be embraced by all within an agreed principle which governs all at all times.

It is for this freedom that Nelson Mandela could sacrifice 27 years of his life in custody despite the offers given him to be released by the apartheid regime. It is for freedom that Martin Luther King Jr stood up in the 1960s that resulted in his assassination by the brutal and insane individuals who could not agree with the need for a world of equal opportunities.

When freedom is centred on personal gains and protection it loses its mandate and meaning. It is no longer freedom when only a few individuals have access to the resources meant for the majority.

Freedom will always be the desire for everybody but will everyone experience it. Will everybody have it?

How would one say I am now free when they do not have food on their table, when they have to walk to work every morning, when they can not express their views about the governance of the day.

How could one be free when all other interpretations of law are wrong? How could freedom prevail when the same law that elevates one becomes a stumbling block to the other.

I think your freedom is now when you do not live on yesterday's mistakes but capture every lesson from past mistakes however they came. It is your freedom when you consider to correct the wrongs you see and encourage others to follow suit. It is your freedom when you join hands with those that seek freedom for all.

It is freedom when God determines the way to live rather than the evils of those seeking self gratification.

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